Sunday, July 8, 2012

Phew! Malware warning gone!

About a week ago I added my blog roll back on my blog, taking the chance that maybe the virus that was causing some issues for many of us would be gone. Apparently not, because Marisa of Polish Obsession emailed me a few days ago to tell me that the malware warning was popping up when trying to view my posts, so she was unable to see them. I kind of freaked out, because no way do I want any viruses associated with my blog or to infect any of you with them.

The blog roll was promptly removed, so there is no reason to worry now! My blog is safe and clean, thank goodness. I double checked Google Webmasters to make sure of this. I apologize if you got the warning. Everything should be okay now. Thank you to Marisa for telling me!


I appreciate all comments and always take the time to read them! Please don't leave any links. If you want me to check out your blog, just email me! :)